Click or drag and drop PDF files here
Click or drag and drop PDF files here
The PDF Merge tool is a web-based utility that allows you to merge multiple PDF documents into a single PDF file. With this tool, you can conveniently combine and merge PDF files to create a unified document.
Open your web browser and navigate to the URL where the PDF Merge tool is hosted.
There are two ways to select PDF files for merging:
After selecting the PDF files, the tool will automatically start merging them into a single PDF file.
The merging process may take a few moments depending on the size and number of the selected files.
Once the merging process is complete, the tool will generate a merged PDF file.
A download link will be provided or the file may be automatically downloaded.
Click on the download link or locate the merged PDF file in your browser's download location to access the merged PDF document.
If you need to merge additional PDF files, you can repeat the steps above to select and merge new PDF files.
Each time you perform a merge, a new merged PDF file will be generated, so ensure you save or rename the merged files appropriately to avoid confusion.