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PDF Watermark - Instruction Manual


The PDF Watermark tool allows you to easily add a watermark to your PDF files. A watermark is a visible or transparent text that is usually added to documents for various purposes, such as branding, document classification, or copyright protection. With this tool, you can customize the watermark's text, opacity, orientation, position, size, and color to suit your specific requirements.

Usage Instructions

Follow these steps to add a watermark to your PDF:

Step 1: Upload a PDF File

To get started, you have two options:

Note: If you prefer to use the file picker only, you can hide the drop area by checking the "Hide Drop Area" checkbox.
Note: If the PDF is over 20 pages, the tool will take a longer time to load the preview. A PDF with more than 1000 pages will take about 15 seconds to load.

Step 2: Configure Watermark Settings

After uploading the PDF file, you can customize the watermark by adjusting the following settings:

Step 3: Preview the Watermarked PDF

As you adjust the watermark settings, the preview section will display a real-time preview of the watermarked PDF. This allows you to visualize the watermark's appearance and position before proceeding to the final step.

Step 4: Download the Watermarked PDF

Once you are satisfied with the watermark configuration, click on the "Download Watermarked PDF" link. The watermarked PDF file will be downloaded to your local system with the filename "output.pdf."

Additional Features

Browser Compatibility

The PDF Watermark tool is compatible with modern web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. Ensure that you are using an up-to-date browser version for optimal performance and functionality.

Feedback and Support

We welcome your feedback and suggestions to improve the PDF Watermark tool. If you encounter any issues or need assistance, please contact our support team at We are here to help and provide a seamless experience with our tool.