The capitalization tool is a web-based utility that allows you to capitalize worded input. It takes a sentence or text input, splits it into individual words, capitalizes the first letter of each word, and converts the rest of the letters to lowercase. The tool helps you quickly and accurately capitalize your text, adhering to proper capitalization rules.
Instruction Manual:
1. Accessing the Tool:
- Open a web browser of your choice.
- Navigate to the URL or location where the capitalization tool is hosted.
2. Using the Capitalization Tool:
- Upon accessing the capitalization tool, you will see a user interface on the web page.
- Locate the input field provided on the page. This is where you will enter the sentence or text that you want to capitalize.
- Click inside the input field to activate it.
- Type or paste your sentence or text input into the input field.
3. Performing the Capitalization:
- Once you have entered your desired sentence or text into the input field, the tool is ready to perform the capitalization.
- Locate the "Capitalize" button on the page. This button triggers the capitalization process.
- Click the "Capitalize" button to initiate the capitalization process.
4. Viewing the Capitalized Result:
- After clicking the "Capitalize" button, the capitalization tool will process the input text according to the capitalization rules.
- The capitalized result will be displayed on the page, typically in a designated area such as a text box or a separate section.
- Look for the output area, which may be labeled as "Capitalized Result" or similarly.
5. Further Usage:
- If you wish to capitalize another sentence or text, simply repeat the process.
- Clear the input field by deleting the existing text or using the provided "Clear" button, if available.
- Enter a new sentence or text in the input field.
- Click the "Capitalize" button to capitalize the new input.
- The capitalized result will be displayed, replacing the previous result.
6. Exiting the Tool:
- To exit the capitalization tool, you can simply close the web browser tab or navigate away from the tool's URL or location.