The Create Zip Tool is a free online JavaScript-based tool that allows you to create a zip file containing selected files from your computer.
1. Click the "Choose Files" button below to open the file selection dialog.
2. In the dialog, navigate to the folder where your desired files are located.
3. Select one or multiple files by holding the Ctrl key (or Command key on Mac) and clicking on the files.
4. After selecting the files, click the "Open" button in the file selection dialog.
5. The selected file names will be displayed in the list below.
1. Once you have selected the desired files, click the "Download Zip" button.
2. The tool will process the selected files and create a zip file containing them.
3. If you haven't selected any files, an alert message will be displayed, and the zip file creation process will not proceed.
1. After the zip file is generated, a file save dialog will appear in your browser.
2. Choose the download location on your computer and click the "Save" or "OK" button.
3. The zip file will be downloaded to your selected location with the name "".
- The Create Zip Tool only works in modern web browsers that support the necessary JavaScript functionalities. Ensure you are using an up-to-date browser.
- This tool runs entirely on the client-side (in the user's browser). No files are sent to a server during the zip file creation process.